
A letter to life

  Life you dastardly fool! Thievery is all you know. You stole my love You stole my hope And left me a worried brow. My confidence is yours My joy is now with you. My smiles are yours Glad times are yours And my delight is yours too. Oh life you silly fool, You may have my peaceful sleep But you forgot my memories Now, those are mine to keep. Theresa. V

An ode to a Mother


A victim's plea.


Dreams of May


Sneaky snacking

  Crinkle, crackle, crumble, pop! Packets placed behind books propped. Rumble, grumble, tumble, sigh... Hungry tummies make us guile. Sneaky signals to friendly peers Hush! Careful, the teacher's near! Giggle, whisper, snigger, grin Slight relief from the college din. Crinkle, crackle, crunchy, pop May the memories never stop! Theresa.V Ok, this is one poem that may be on the simpler side - but it still holds a place in my heart. I wanted to capture the sneaky snacking - that we sometimes indulge in due to a missed breakfast, late lunches or just the fact that a friend had a snack on them! I hope this brings back good memories for you all! ❤️Tess

Ever-present Help.


Musings on death


To my friend the artist


Story idea 1 - Candy and sweets


Mornings Memories

  The morning sings of new beginnings Of fresh starts and new life brimming. The air is crisp with crimson hue And flowers are bathed in misty dew. The birds sing songs of joy and life, The priest chants prayers of peace from strife; The market awakens, the bustle begins Homes are astir with buoyant din. Life, seems to beckon and call  Offering adventure and nary a fall.      And yet I sit and stare out at the sun As memories flood in Of times once gone. Theresa. V


  Raid the houses, Plunder the land! Kings will dance  In the palm of my hand! Beg on your knees,  Off with his head! Search no more Morality lies dead! Ah! how I rule With dire power... Souls and minds  All mine to devour! Hope lies in rags Peace quakes in fear Yet I reign -  For man holds me so dear. Theresa. V

Finding solace

  I recently understood what it means to "feel" God's presence. I also realized that we have to actually "choose" to accept or feel his love. To many this might be obvious - and to be honest I thought I knew this too. But I realize that until now I hadn't really realized how simple this could be. I fell sick during the past week and was feeling quite down and alone. Since I'm away from home I had to take care of myself - and while my friends were ready to help, there's something about 'home' that just can't be substituted.  To distract myself, I put on some worship music and pictured myself as the person singing the hymn. And suddenly - it wasn't so bad anymore. I felt hugged, felt like I wasn't alone anymore, felt loved. And I was surprised, honestly - I didn't expect to feel anything. But here I was feeling something that I can only describe as 'comfort'. This taught me two main lessons: Whatever is going on - God se

Alter server - not by choice

  When I was younger my mom always said that she had given up trying to plan out my life because God always had other plans that always turned out better than hers. And when I look back - I can clearly see that she was right. One example is alter serving - this is one of mum's favorite stories to tell. I am a girl and mum felt it wasn't right for girls to be alter servers because that was a job reserved for sons. During one mass when the priest was walking down the aisle (there weren't any alter servers that day), he stopped at the pew we were standing in and spoke directly to me and said, "Come serve." Apparently I just slipped off my shoes and walked after him - without so much as a glance at mum. I didn't really know what I was doing - but followed the movements of the priest and did my best to mimic what I had seen other alter servers do. My older cousin joined me later during mass to help out with the chalice and the water bowl. I served for that mass and

My safe space

Everyone struggles with anxiety sometime or the other - for some this anxiety consumes them and for others anxiety comes and goes in waves. My anxiety waves have always been "high tide" waves. I usually feel drowned and have to frantically grasp for a way to stay afloat while it lasts. At first my flotation device was family and friends - then it became social media (which wasn't very helpful) and recently I have learnt how to rely on comfort verses (which really feels like a hug from God). I realized(after a long conversation with a friend) that the main reason of my anxiety is that I don't allow myself to make mistakes. I don't give myself a chance to fail - because my brain thinks that too much rides on my shoulders. Unfortunately, this mindset does more harm than good - I cannot function very well with the weight, I become over anxious and break down at the smallest inconvenience.  I have been reading the Gospels recently - and I was struck with the thought of

Unconventional prayers

  My mother loves dance, and as a result my childhood was spent with a lot of music, freestyling to tunes that we happened to hear on the go and dance classes. And I loved every moment of it! The discipline and practice required to get the whole choreography looking as effortless and graceful as possible taught me patience and strength. And the sweat and pain that needs to be put in to learn even the simplest of steps really shines through when complex dance routines are performed.  Dance is the one thing I am sure that I love and will love doing forever. It is my way of letting out emotion, energy and is a way of working on myself that I truly enjoy. I am a Bharatanatyam dancer - and since this dance form comes from the south of India, the art form is interwoven with ancient culture and has it's roots in Hinduism. I learnt dance from quite a few teachers (of various religions) and most of my performances have been devotional (both about Christianity and Hinduism). I saw dance as a

I am Israel

  I've always wondered how I could be part of God's people. Geographically speaking - I'm not a part of "Israel". And I must admit - I've always wondered if all of us joining "God's group" was part of the plan. I know that all God wants is for us to be with him and to know him, but I have always wondered nonetheless. I mean, why didn't God choose another people? Why not just have separate events in different countries bringing us all to him? He didn't do that - so there might be a possibility that I don't belong...?  I believe that God's plan is something that I cannot comprehend and that people born into/ joining Christ is not by chance or by their own doing - it's because God initiated it. So that means - that he wanted me to be among the people of Christ. While I don't have definite proof for this, I had a small 'aha!' moment recently while reading the book of Judges. The Israelites keep sinning again and again

My Christmas wish

With the start of advent - I'm sure many are preparing their homes and hearts for the birth of Christ. I'm really looking forward to going home for the winter holidays (post finals) and am very excited about being with family and friends who I love.  But - I must confess that though the thought of going home fills me with joy, there's this emptiness that I just can't seem to shake off. I have been feeling the same for quite sometime now and have realized that I yearn for 'audible or physical' communication with God. I see his works in my daily life and I know that he does so much for me throughout my day. I have been praying - and even journaling out conversations with him...but I have to admit - it's tough not "hearing" or "feeling" anything back.  I  constantly try to  quieten my mind and pray - but I just can't seem to get the hang of that.  I prayed to Mama Mary for intercession and for guidance to the Holy Spirit. But the only re


College teaches us a lot - academics and a lot more. I didn't expect to learn much about my faith - but God had other plans. College made me realize just how privileged we are as Christians – we have literally been given God’s word, we have been given a way to turn back to good after sin, we have a God who cares so much about us that he sent us prophets, visions, saints, apparitions, Mama Mary, angels, blessings, his grace and LITERALLY HIS OWN SON.  I think as Christians we forget just how much we have – because our faith is cut out for us. We don’t have to think up of ways to love God – because he already loves us, we don’t have to make “compulsory” sacrifices – because his Son sacrificed himself for us, we don’t have to search for the truth – because God has told us himself, through the prophets, through the church and sometimes he speaks to us directly.  I attend a college that is run by our protestant brothers and sisters and a few months back, there was a bible book fare. Mos


To Mother divine I stand before all - scarred with sin; My soul is bruised and stained within. I stand before all - clothed in shame And raise my eyes to you sweet dame. I turn to you - O Mother divine; Your smile is loving, sweet and fine. I show you the wrongs that I have done; You show me Jesus - your loving Son. I stand before all - scarred and frayed; No spear or sword or shield or blade. I kneel before you hopeful still; To give you my heart and my will. You I choose to be my Queen; To you I give what is and has been. My body, my soul, my every deed, To offer to God for those in need. Theresa.V Inspired by the words of St. deMontford in the 33 Days to morning glory consecration ("In the presence of all the heavenly court, I choose you this day for my Mother and Queen.") It felt like I was soldier (a prayer soldier) and I was accepting my duties of prayer & obedience of God's word whilst telling Mary that she was going to be mentor and guide. "The queen who


A while back - A youtuber who I watch quite often did a Q&A session with his friend and one of the questions he was asked was : "Are you religious?". His answer was "No" and after a moment he said with a laugh : "I do think that religious people are much more happier than I am..." a statement that struck me as odd at the time. (his friend agreed with him and they moved on to the next Q. without discussion)  Today, in Jn.1 1:3-4: St.John explains why he is writing his letter - so people would know about Jesus and form a community/ fellowship that is formed in God. And he specifically says "We are writing these things so that our joy may be complete". This statement struck a bell in my brain. I think I understand why the youtuber said that the religious were happier than most people: its because our joys are different from (or at least originate differently from) the joys of other people who don't believe in God. I think, "happiness&qu


THE DANCE OF SPRING The rivers are aflow and the flower beds dance, The birds soar to the heavens - their songs are glad! Men sing songs throughout the land As the earth rejoices at the work of God's hand. Death has departed - life washed and restored Spring has arrived and the earth is aglow! All beings exclaim - they praise and adore The God of heaven - who smiles from his abode. Theresa.V


I have always wondered how God got angry and why his wrath was something we feared. As a child, I was always told that God was someone I could trust and take consolation in. But as I grew up - I heard and read stories of God's wrath and anger. I read about the battles, the great flood, the 10 plagues and also Jesus himself getting angry at the salesmen at the temple, at the disciples for not having enough faith etc. And I asked myself: "How can God - who is so perfect - participate in the act of anger? (an act so horrendous - it is classified by the church as one of the 7 capital sins)? Why should God get angry? Why not just create an angry angel who takes care of all the trouble?" Recently, I feel like I've got a little insight to these questions... 1. Why does God get angry? One can argue that God only gets angry when there is sin involved - He wants us to know that we are wrong, that he despises all evil things. But - we know that's not true or Jesus wouldn'


Recently - every time I seem to slack a little with my prayers or reading, God seems to be sending me gentle mini-reminders(either through a YouTube video, a friend - who never talks about religion asking if I read the bible and family members reminding me of His grace). These small gestures seem coincidental and made me wonder - How many reminders/ signs have I missed or dismissed as coincidence even though it's glaringly obvious that It's from God? I guess this has been a sort of eye opener: its up to us how much to associate as God's work/ doing. The bible does show us that EVERYTHING is from God and yet - I sometimes used to believe that God stopped hearing/ looking at me.  I know now that that isn't true... His graces are still as great and as present as they were before - they are just overshadowed by the "flashiness" of today's world. He's still working wonders and helping us out and guiding us like He did with the Israelites (in Exodus) - we ju


PRAYER FOR PEACE She searched the earth for Silver and Gold; She searched the sea for tales untold.. She searched the distant hills and vales, But her quest to find happiness had sadly failed. She roamed the cities near and far. She saw weakness and also power... She heard of battles and great wins, But she observed the pain and scarred skin. She found death, desperation and fear; She found starvation, cold and tears, She found resentment, found no relief - But she also found warmth, love and peace. For within the homes of the dry cold lands, Families sat - hand in hand... Offering prayers of hope and love And asking for well-being to the Lord above. She did not understand the pain and sin. She didn't celebrate the glorious win. She did however fold her hands in prayer And thanked the Lord for love, hope and care. Theresa.V

To a friend I love

Dear A, I met you a long long time ago And though I hesitated to say 'hello' -  I'm glad we became the best of friends, And know we'll remain so till the end. Many a song have we shared, Happy memories made uncompared. And when life gave me a nasty squeeze Your smile never failed to put me at ease. You taught me to give new things a try I'll always adore auntie's potato fry! Your prayers helped me through quite a lot, For this I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you remember my cookies and cakes, My stories may have given you quite a headache... Thank you for being there when I felt under the weather I'll always cherish our time together. I always brushed off the thought That there'd be a day then we are apart. I always hoped that day would never come; Who will I lean on? Will life be fun? But now I see, I have no choice But to leave you be - and move on with life With teary eyes I wish you luck And hope that forever we'll stay in touch.

The power of memories

Behold our enemy! dark despair In her hand a scythe, of power uncompared It slices happiness and destroys mirth To destruction and depression it gives birth... She corners her victim, in a room so bare -  Powdering walls reflect the dark scythe's flare, She doesn't hurt him - oh no instead She shows him the worst thoughts in his head. At first he grasps around for a happy thought But all around he finds nothing but rot He falls to his knees, his mind terrified But then a small ray of light catches his eye. He turns around and looks aghast As a sword materializes - he sees sees his past He sees the smiles of faces so dear And memories made - of hugs and cheer. He smiles and takes the sword so dear  And turns to face his despair and drear But to his surprise she is nowhere in sight And the room is now lit with the sword's warm light. And thus spoke the sword with a booming voice: "She's gone - you see, you made a choice, In darkness you remembered the beauty of life

To a teacher

Thank you dear teacher  For always being there; Thank you for every advice, thought and prayer Thank you for showing me that I could, And thank you for believing that I would Theresa. V



To Dr. Doom - my nemesis and friend

  There once were two scientists named Doom and Gloom, Their similarities too far and too few. The common link was a cupboard so dear, A cupboard that contained both happiness and fear. When at first they met Gloom was apprehensive For Doom seemed rather tense, dark and pensive. But soon enough the ice was broken, And it turns out Doom was quite outspoken! And so began a hilarious adventure Of food, insults and many a venture! Their experiments nearly blew up the house- But they were grounded by a lizard and a mouse. Thus the story continues - over hills and vales; With Gloom's numerous stories and Doom's weird tales. And what about dear cupboard you ask? Well, it'll always remain to love and to last. Theresa. V

To my dearest friend

 Dear V, A million memories so dear I hold, A million memories worth Silver and Gold  A million words between us both A million jokes thrown back and forth. Dozens of games, the secrets we share  Not once have you ever failed to be there In times of need - to hold and to heed To dry my tears - to love and to lead. Thank you for being there - near or far Thank you for being who you are Thank you for triangles, thanks for notes Thank you for not laughing at my high hopes. And if ever life may drag us apart I hope I do have a place in your heart  Somewhere warm, happy and problem free That way I'll be there with you - how you are with me. Theresa. V

To my best friend...

  Dear N, Wherever you are near or far, I'll always love you for who you are; Never change, stay the same And may your selflessness never be tamed. Stay strong, stand your ground And don't you worry - I'll be around Sometimes to taunt and to tease, But also to help you in time of need. Theresa. V