Whispers of a Winter Morning


One cold winter's morning, I awoke before the dawn;
Peaked beyond my window,
Through curtains softly drawn.
I looked out to the streets, at the unawoken day...
And saw a fuzzy figure, 
Who got in everyone's way!

She rolled into the streets, and dulled down the glowing lamps.
She stumbled into trees,
Making leaves fall and dance.
The world shivers at her coming, her cold, quiet steps...
They shut their windows tighter,
While she stands at their door steps.

She made her way up my driveway, even walked on my lawn!
She turned - I swear she saw me,
Peaking through my curtains drawn!
She pushed her face at my window, staring straight at me...
Pressed her finger to her lips,
And winks with goofy glee!

My windows hazed all over, and then she runs away...
As the sun comes quickly searching,
A game of seeking they play!
The sun peaks through my windows, to ask me if I saw -
His friend the winter fog,
Hiding somewhere I foresaw.

But I held my silence, and hid my face without guilt;
As I snuggled deeper,
Into my heavy quilt.
I hope the Sun didn't notice, that I full well knew;
Where miss fog had gotten - 
To escape his sweeping view!

Theresa. V

Happy New Year! As the new year unfolds and winter drapes the world in her frosty charm, many of us are beginning fresh chapters in our lives—myself included! I feel incredibly blessed, with so much having changed since my last post. I cannot be more grateful for all that has happened so far! I hope the new year brings us all happiness, warmth and growth.

I’ve recently moved to a new place, making this truly a season of new beginnings. Life here has been wholesome and heartwarming! This winter has been all about, finding joy and warmth in new friendships and new dawns. 

As usual, I found joy and calm in writing amidst all the "new happenings" in life. This poem is something I worked on while sitting at a table, soaking in the morning sun (with a good cup of coffee!) on a cold and misty winter morning. I wanted to capture the slumbering cozy feeling that winter often brings on...and made up this silly poem of an excuse to stay a little longer in bed on those cold winter mornings!

I hope you liked it! As always, do let me know your thoughts in the comments!

P.S: When it comes to new year's resolutions - I've resolved to write something every week this year (however small or 'meh' it might be) as a way of improving my writing. Hope you enjoy all that is to come!


  1. The poem paints such a vivid picture of a misty morning. It left me speechless and with chills in my spine!

    I am really excited to read more of these. Happy New Year to you too! Great Work Theresa ❤️

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words! Hope you enjoy all that is to come! 😁

  2. Absolutely beautiful ❤️ please keep sharing!

    1. Thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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