The Black Umbrella


I used to loathe the rain,

With its cold and rotten tears,

I hated its very touch

Its wet and sorrowful gaze.

I hated the tears that clung

to the leaves of trees,

I hated the incense of the ground

Carrying through the breeze.

That was until my eyes;

chanced on the umbrella black.

Twirling gaily in the shower

Diamonds glinting off its back.

Then its face my eyes beheld

My heart by its - smile was seized,

I followed silently through the mist

Stealing glances such as these.

And now, I wait for the rain,

Look forward to the grey, wet dim

For then I can scan the streets for the black umbrella

Wearing checkered red and denim.

Theresa. V

This poem is something that I knew I wanted to write, but didn't have the right words for. I knew what elements I wanted to include, I knew what feelings I wanted to encompass in the poem, I knew what emotions I wanted to portray...But I just didn't have the words. I gave it time, I waited for the right push of creativity and this is my attempt of putting my thoughts into words.

Have you ever felt the need to say something, anything...but just didn't know what or how to put words to your feelings?
 This poem - is the best example of exactly just that! I knew what I wanted to say, what I was feeling, but I had no words to describe it - and definitely no idea how to express it. And as always - poetry and writing came to my rescue! Hope you enjoyed it!

A huge thank you to my new friend A.C who is extremely talented and went through a lot of trouble for me to get the picture for this post! I can only hope to one day be as amazingly confident, caring and (at least) half as talented as she is now :) Thank you A.C for being you - I could not have asked for a better friend at a better time! Love ya! 🤍

🤍 Tess.


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