Recently - every time I seem to slack a little with my prayers or reading, God seems to be sending me gentle mini-reminders(either through a YouTube video, a friend - who never talks about religion asking if I read the bible and family members reminding me of His grace).

These small gestures seem coincidental and made me wonder - How many reminders/ signs have I missed or dismissed as coincidence even though it's glaringly obvious that It's from God?

I guess this has been a sort of eye opener: its up to us how much to associate as God's work/ doing. The bible does show us that EVERYTHING is from God and yet - I sometimes used to believe that God stopped hearing/ looking at me. 

I know now that that isn't true...

His graces are still as great and as present as they were before - they are just overshadowed by the "flashiness" of today's world. He's still working wonders and helping us out and guiding us like He did with the Israelites (in Exodus) - we just don't realize it because we're too busy living our life in today's world of distractions.


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