To Dr. Doom - my nemesis and friend


There once were two scientists named Doom and Gloom,

Their similarities too far and too few.

The common link was a cupboard so dear,

A cupboard that contained both happiness and fear.

When at first they met Gloom was apprehensive

For Doom seemed rather tense, dark and pensive.

But soon enough the ice was broken,

And it turns out Doom was quite outspoken!

And so began a hilarious adventure

Of food, insults and many a venture!

Their experiments nearly blew up the house-

But they were grounded by a lizard and a mouse.

Thus the story continues - over hills and vales;

With Gloom's numerous stories and Doom's weird tales.

And what about dear cupboard you ask?

Well, it'll always remain to love and to last.

Theresa. V


  1. 👏👏👏

    1. Thank you! Hope you enjoy all that is on here!


  2. Thank you so much! ❤

    Also, that's huge...I've managed to make LEGENDARY DOOM feel smitten! 😂💕


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