I have always wondered how God got angry and why his wrath was something we feared. As a child, I was always told that God was someone I could trust and take consolation in. But as I grew up - I heard and read stories of God's wrath and anger. I read about the battles, the great flood, the 10 plagues and also Jesus himself getting angry at the salesmen at the temple, at the disciples for not having enough faith etc.

And I asked myself: "How can God - who is so perfect - participate in the act of anger? (an act so horrendous - it is classified by the church as one of the 7 capital sins)? Why should God get angry? Why not just create an angry angel who takes care of all the trouble?"

Recently, I feel like I've got a little insight to these questions...

1. Why does God get angry?

One can argue that God only gets angry when there is sin involved - He wants us to know that we are wrong, that he despises all evil things. But - we know that's not true or Jesus wouldn't have come to save us. So, does God show his anger only when we are too deep into sin (so deep that no amount of prayer/ grace can save us)? 

Well, I do believe there's more to it than that. 

In most cases - human anger stems from a negative emotion (hate, disgust, judgement, prejudice etc.). But God is good and holy. Our sins do cause him a great deal of pain, but if we take a closer look at his wrath - it always stems from LOVE.

So - is it ok to get angry with people if our anger stems from something positive? 

Well...that's an iffy topic - because how can you pin point from where exactly your anger originates? God is wise and almighty - he can do it...but can we trust ourselves with that?

2. Why get angry himself? Why not be perfect and just create a very angry angel?

The answer here again is LOVE. He loves us so much that he could not stand delegating the duty of taking care of us. He loves us so much - that he takes full responsibility of chastising and guiding us. He gets angry because he loves us so much and wants to protect us from all harm. God shows his wrath and battles against a few - not because they are bad, but because their life could be better if they listened to and obeyed his words.

We can truly see the truth in the saying “God is Love” – He is so full of it that every action of his originates from LOVE. He always believes in us – and we shall ever be grateful that we have Him to believe and find consolation in.


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