
Showing posts from March, 2023

Sneaky snacking

  Crinkle, crackle, crumble, pop! Packets placed behind books propped. Rumble, grumble, tumble, sigh... Hungry tummies make us guile. Sneaky signals to friendly peers Hush! Careful, the teacher's near! Giggle, whisper, snigger, grin Slight relief from the college din. Crinkle, crackle, crunchy, pop May the memories never stop! Theresa.V Ok, this is one poem that may be on the simpler side - but it still holds a place in my heart. I wanted to capture the sneaky snacking - that we sometimes indulge in due to a missed breakfast, late lunches or just the fact that a friend had a snack on them! I hope this brings back good memories for you all! ❤️Tess

Ever-present Help.


Musings on death


To my friend the artist


Story idea 1 - Candy and sweets
